


机构股票 & 归属是骄傲的伙伴

Chaplain's Office in welcoming 瓦莱丽·考尔's 革命性的爱 tour. 






As the days grow shorter and we become more present to conflict in our communities and the world,  join the Chaplain's office and 机构股票 and 归属感 as we take time to light a path forward with intentions of hope and healing.


从现在到十月一号, stop by Shove Chapel's Sacred Grounds or the Worner Center's Gathering Space (next to room 234) to decorate a luminaria which will be lit on Otober 1st at 5:30pm




2024年ABC/Common Read演讲者





Dr. M. Shadee Malaklou

October 2nd, 2:30pm in the Gates Common Room of Palmer Hall 







Overseen by the ADEI Leadership Team and signed by the College President, the ADEI管理证书 celebrates your commitment to continuous learning and unlearning practices that foster a deeper understanding of antiracism, 多样性, 股本, 和包容.  



机构股票 & 属于车间


We continue to be grateful for the level of support, enthusiasm and interest the CC community has for furthering ADEI work. 

If you would like to schedule a workshop for your department or group please use this request form. 

 Workshop Series will resume in the Spring 2025 semester. 

更多资源请点击这里: ADEI主管能力建设指南.


​The ADEI leadership team recognizes the need to support and promote educational opportunities outside of the team’s current capacity. 有很多项目, 活动, 以及体现反种族主义的事件, 多样性, 股本, 和包容 (ADEI) that are of professional development value. Department budget constraints should not deprive those interested in furthering our mission and personal growth, so we have decided to introduce an ADEI grant program to help support and offset some of the financial costs associated with participating, 参加, 或者创建ADEI编程.   

这个过程很简单. Complete the attached form describing your funding needs and purpose at least 1 month before the due date of the activity. The ADEI leadership team will then review your request evaluating alignment with the four pillars (courageous conversations & 大胆的行动, 繁荣的社区, 学生, 转换, and elevating CC’s profile)—using an antiracist lens, 促进心理健康, 让事情可持续发展. You will be notified via email within two weeks about the status of your award and or if more information is needed.   

The grant will run until all funds have been exhausted, at which time we will notify the campus of the application acceptance period ending. Our goal is to make the ACE grant an annual opportunity for staff, 教师, and 学生s alike to get involved and stay engaged, furthering our commitment for as long as funds allow.  







反种族主义读书俱乐部 and the Common Read are joining forces!

 Two great initiatives are coming together this year to bring you an integrated reading experience; 常见阅读 and the 反种族主义读书俱乐部 present: bell hooks' 归属感:一种地方文化. 

 Pick your book up now with your CC ID in the College Bookstore




Overseen by the ADEI Leadership Team and signed by the College President, the ADEI管理证书 celebrates your commitment to continuous learning and unlearning practices that foster a deeper understanding of antiracism, 多样性, 股本, 和包容.  


整个学年, a series of events that are designated as ADEI Stewardship eligible will be presented.  These events include but are not limited to The Dismantling Hate Series, 反种族主义读书俱乐部, 管家中心工作坊, 皇冠中心发展等. Simply sign-in at any six designated events of these events to earn the Bronze Level. 触碰银器 Level by 参加 12 events and Gold Level by 参加 18 events.


Annual Recertification – ongoing stewardship through co-facilitation of an ADEI-related event, 持续的指导, 以及ADEI的倡导者. 

此证书不是一个复选框. Once you have reached Gold the goal is to pay it forward and to continually invest in your understanding through certification. The ADEI leadership team is always looking for ADEI champions that can help orient new staff, 支持连续编程, 参与社区社会责任, and offer 持续的指导 across the CC community.   

How can I get my event to be ADEI Stewardship Eligible? 

任何以反种族主义为中心的活动, 多样性, 股本, or inclusion are eligible for a Stewardship designation. If you feel that your event supports the college’s antiracism commitment, please 提交你的活动 至少在活动前三周. All events must include attendance monitoring and evaluations are highly suggested to ensure feedback and quality of programming. If your event meets the requirements as indicated above you will receive confirmation within 1 week from the ADEI leadership team and your event will be listed on our webpage as well.  


Is anti-oppressive education at the center of your life and goals? Have you already earned a Gold certificate but want to keep it fresh? You can certify your Stewardship each year after you have earned your Gold certificate by 参加, 促进, 或教学2个证书合格项目, 课程, or programs in 1 year and completing any of the following 活动:  

  • co-facilitation and/or planning of an ADEI-related event 
  • Becoming a mentor or peer educator for ADEI related programs (MAP/Riley Scholars, 教学辅导计划, Butler Center Peer Educators/Bridge Peer Mentors/Bridge 教师 Mentors, 等) 
  • 出国留学 
  • 教授一门权力与特权指定课程 
  • Attending or presenting at a conference with an ADEI focus



​The ADEI leadership team recognizes the need to support and promote educational opportunities outside of the team’s current capacity. 有很多项目, 活动, 以及体现反种族主义的事件, 多样性, 股本, 和包容 (ADEI) that are of professional development value. Department budget constraints should not deprive those interested in furthering our mission and personal growth, so we have decided to introduce an ADEI grant program to help support and offset some of the financial costs associated with participating, 参加, 或者创建ADEI编程.   

这个过程很简单. Complete the attached form describing your funding needs and purpose at least 1 month before the due date of the activity. The ADEI leadership team will then review your request evaluating alignment with the four pillars (courageous conversations & 大胆的行动, 繁荣的社区, 学生, 转换, and elevating CC’s profile)—using an antiracist lens, 促进心理健康, 让事情可持续发展. You will be notified via email within two weeks about the status of your award and or if more information is needed.   

The grant will run until all funds have been exhausted, at which time we will notify the campus of the application acceptance period ending. Our goal is to make the ACE grant an annual opportunity for staff, 教师, and 学生s alike to get involved and stay engaged, furthering our commitment for as long as funds allow.  


报告问题 - 最后更新: 09/26/2024